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1. Visit Spacious and Well-Ventilated Restaurants
Practicing Social Distancing and keeping good ventilation could minimize the chances of the virus spreading. “al fresco dining” might be a good option for now to ensure the health of everyone.
2. Avoid Peak Hours
Eating at off-peak hours might be rewarded by a relaxing dining experience with less human contact required through sharing and waiting for tables. Maybe it’s time you discover something new!
3. Use Serving Utensils or Bring Your Own Utensils
Use serving utensils or simply avoid sharing plates during the current pandemic. You can always bring your own utensils If you do not feel comfortable using the utensils provided by the restaurant. Clean them immediately after a meal to avoid excessive growth of bacteria over time. Do wash them thoroughly when you get home.
4. Use or Bring Your Own Bag Hooks
Check under the dining table if there are bag hooks placed to hand your bags. Better yet, bring your own bag hook to avoid putting your bag on the floor or on the seat to lessen the chance of surface contact. Make sure to sanitize your bag handle before leaving the restaurant.
5. Wrap Your Masks with Napkin When Not In Use
With the shortage of masks. a lot of us choose to reuse their masks after dining. To ensure your masks don’t get dirty, ask for a napkin so you can wrap your mask while you dine. It minimizes the contact of your hands with the inside-out of the mask and reduces the risk of contamination on the inner side of the mask.
6. Sanitize Your Hands Before and After Dining
Always bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer or alcohol wherever you go. Always wash your hands for 20-30 seconds with soap and water. Remember to sanitize your hands each time after taking off and wearing your masks to avoid the growth of bacteria or kill the virus.
7. Sanitize The Table Before Sitting Down
It doesn’t hurt at this point to be extra cautious about where you place your hands or arm. Sanitize your table before you start dining by spraying it with alcohol and wiping it with a tissue or wet wipes. Make sure to properly dispose of used tissues or wipes.
8. Be Careful of Coughing or Sneezing at the Dining Table
To avoid contamination of food by saliva and food residue coming from your mouth, try to swallow the food before talking and cover your mouth with the back of your hands. Use your elbows or tissues to cover the mouth during coughing or sneezing instead of the palm, sterilize the respective body part used, so germs would not land on the food from your body parts easily. However, if you consider yourself a physical-contact type of person, avoid the elbows so the other person would not get the virus by holding arms with you.
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Let’s all do our part and making sure we stay healthy and don’t spread the virus.