eatigo Hong Kong

【WINBUFFET】GIVEAWAY⚠️又食又拎 逸東酒店免費自助餐/Eatigo電子現金券大放送!🎁
✨GIVEAWAY✨ 🍽️又食又拎 逸東酒店免費自助餐/Eatigo電子現金券大放送🎁 Eatigo幫你醫肚!預訂Eatigo上任何餐廳並輸入優惠碼  [WINBUFFET],出席訂座後,即有機會獲得逸東酒店The Astor免費自助餐或Eatigo電子現金券! 活動日期 2024年10月28日00:00至2024年11月10日23:59 參與方法 預訂餐廳:預訂Eatigo上任何餐廳並輸入優惠碼 [WINBUFFET] (訂座人數1人起) 到店用餐:確保於 2024年10月28日至2024年11月10日之間按預訂日期出席訂座 獎品詳情 每位正確使用優惠碼並按時出席訂座的顧客均計入參與資格。每個用戶上限參加十次。 如活動期間有任何缺席記錄,其參與活動資格會被取消。 獎品分配 獎品 價值 (港幣) 第30位用戶出席訂座 逸東酒店自助午餐 (2位) $388/位, 共$776 第200位用戶出席訂座 逸東酒店自助下午茶餐 (2位) $298/位, 共$596 第500位用戶出席訂座 逸東酒店自助晚餐 (2位) $728/位, 共$1456 第250、300、350、400、450、550、600、650、700、800位用戶出席訂座 (共10位) $50 Eatigo電子現金券 (2張) 10名用戶, 共$1000 第30位用戶將贏得 The Astor雙人午餐自助餐;第200位用戶將贏得 The Astor雙人下午茶自助餐;第500位用戶將贏得 The Astor 雙人晚餐自助餐。   第250位、第300位、第350位、第400位、第450位、第550位、第600位、第650位、第700位及第800位用戶可獲得兩張50元Eatigo... read more ❯
香港必食自助餐排名TOP 20!
《香港必食自助餐排名TOP 20》是一篇為你精選香港最佳自助餐的指南,帶你探索全港最受歡迎的自助餐餐廳。無論你喜愛國際美食、海鮮盛宴,還是地道的中式料理,這篇文章將為你介紹不同風格的自助餐選擇,滿足各種口味需求。從豪華酒店餐廳到親民選擇,讓你輕鬆找到在香港必試的自助餐美食,無論是家庭聚餐、朋友聚會,還是慶祝特別時刻,都能為你帶來難忘的美食體驗。 推薦香港的自助餐! 1.The Farmhouse 咖啡廳 @ 維港凱悅尚萃酒店 The Farmhouse咖啡廳採用「從農場到餐桌」的概念,提供國際自助餐,並與獲得歐盟、日本(JAS)和美國農業部(USDA)認證的有機農場ecoFarm合作,使用有機蔬菜和可持續海鮮製作美食,為食客帶來新鮮、應季且符合可持續發展的美食體驗。The Farmhouse咖啡廳擁有多種聚會選擇,包括窗邊座位、兩間私人宴會房和以倉庫為靈感的活動空間,是家庭聚會和商務餐飲的理想選擇。餐廳也提供室外座位,讓客人可以在陽光和微風中享用早、午、晚餐,是一個完美的用餐場所。這間充滿活力的餐廳為客人提供美食享受,同時與親朋好友分享愉快時光。 地址: 2.The Platter @ 悦品酒店‧荃灣 The Platter @ 悅品酒店‧荃灣是一家享負盛名的自助餐餐廳,為食客提供豐富多樣的國際美食選擇。餐廳以新鮮的食材和精緻的烹飪手法著稱,無論是海鮮、燒烤還是中西式佳餚,都能滿足不同口味需求。餐廳的環境舒適寬敞,適合家庭聚會、朋友相聚或商務餐飲,讓賓客在輕鬆的氛圍中享受美食。The Platter還設有特色甜品區,提供精美的蛋糕和甜品,是一個理想的場所,讓食客盡情享受豐富的自助餐體驗,度過愉快的用餐時光。 地址: 3.Bistro on the Mile @ 金域假日酒店 雅緻時尚的Bistro on the Mile自助餐位於Holiday Inn,毗鄰熱鬧的彌敦道,全天供應早餐、午餐、晚餐、下午茶及宵夜。餐廳匯聚了各種國際美食,並設有專廚掌舵的開放式廚房,提供多款地道佳餚。特色菜如長腳蟹、羊扒和鵝肝等物超所值的選擇,為食客帶來視覺與味覺兼具的美食體驗,適合隨時光臨享用。 地址: 4.堤岸酒吧及餐廳 @ 香港皇家太平洋酒店 堤岸酒吧及餐廳樓高兩層,享有壯麗的維港景色,讓您在享受美食的同時也能飽覽美景。餐廳提供多元化餐飲選擇,包括早餐、亞洲和西式單點菜式、半自助午餐和晚餐、時令特選菜餚及精緻下午茶。酒吧區則供應多款啤酒、葡萄酒和特色雞尾酒,並設有每日的「歡樂時光」,讓賓客盡情放鬆暢飲,享受愉快的時光。 地址: 5.藝廊咖啡室@富豪機場酒店 藝廊咖啡室提供超過200款國際美食選擇,從冰鎮海鮮、烤肉專區到新鮮果汁吧,成為香港備受喜愛的餐廳之一。 自助晚餐是廚師展示廚藝的最佳舞台。海鮮區匯集來自全球的鮮美海產,如蟹、大蝦、青口等。蔬菜沙律吧提供各式調味料和沙拉醬,讓客人享受清新健康的選擇。麵食區讓客人自選麵條和配料,廚師現場製作熱騰騰的湯麵。壽司吧則精選新鮮的日式魚生和壽司。自助燒烤區每天輪流供應多樣化的烤牛肉、牛肋排和海鮮,搭配多種醬汁提升風味。印度廚師精心準備的印度咖哩也是不可錯過的選擇。甜點愛好者則可享受超過15款瑞士Mövenpick雪糕和精緻甜點。 此外,餐廳的招牌菜和廚師推介更是不容錯過。由駐店泰國廚師掌舵的泰國菜,結合地道食材和香茅、金不換、辣椒、咖哩醬、魚露及青檸等多種香料,透過創新的烹調手法,讓客人品嚐正宗又美味的泰國料理。 地址:... read more ❯

eatigo Singapore

15 best restaurants in millenia walk
millenia walk food
The blog "15 Best Restaurants in Millenia Walk" is your ultimate guide to exploring the top dining spots at one of Singapore’s most stylish retail and lifestyle destinations. Millenia Walk... read more ❯
20 best restaurants in raffles place 2024
The blog "20 Best Restaurants in Raffles Place 2024" is your ultimate guide to discovering the top dining spots in Singapore's bustling financial district. Raffles Place is known for its... read more ❯

eatigo Thailand

Feast & Win 🎁 จองร้านบนอีททิโก ลุ้นรับสิทธิ์กินบุฟเฟต์โรงแรมฟรี
✨FEAST & WIN! 🎁🍽️ จองร้านอาหารบนอีททิโกด้วยโค้ด [WINBUFFET] ลุ้นรับสิทธิ์กินบุฟเฟต์โรงแรมฟรี 5 รางวัล (รางวัลละ 2 ท่าน)  1 รางวัล - Up and Above @ The Okura Prestige Bangkok 2 รางวัล - La Scala @ The Sukhothai Bangkok Hotel 2 - รางวัล Food... read more ❯
⚠️GIVEAWAY Alert⚠️Feast & Win FREE Buffet Meals🎁
✨GIVEAWAY✨FEAST & WIN! 🎁🍽️ Feast with Eatigo by booking with the code [WINBUFFET] and be in the running to win a FREE buffet meal for 2 pax (Worth 2000THB++) 1X Prize at Up and Above... read more ❯

eatigo Malaysia

Top 10 thai restaurant in kl update 2024
Thai Restaurants in KL
Looking for the best Thai food in Kuala Lumpur? Our blog, "Top 10 Thai Restaurants in KL Update 2024," brings you a curated list of the top places to satisfy... read more ❯
Top 10 seafood buffet restaurants update 2024
seafood buffet
Craving an all-you-can-eat seafood feast? Our blog, "Top 10 Seafood Buffet Restaurants Update 2024," highlights the best spots to indulge in a wide variety of fresh and delicious seafood. Whether... read more ❯

eatigo Philippines

Cheers to October! – Get a PHP100 cash voucher instantly!
 Cheers to October  Simply use code【OCTOFEST】when making your dine-in booking via eatigo and you’ll get ₱100 discount instantly on top of your bill   How to use【OCTOFEST】for dine-in: Make... read more ❯
Top 10 Buffet at Moa in Manila (2024)
Buffet at Moa
Welcome to our delicious guide to the top 10 buffets at the Mall of Asia (MOA) in Manila! Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just looking to indulge in... read more ❯

eatigo Indonesia

More bookings, more vouchers! Earn up to IDR 90K eatigo cash vouchers this month!
Get code More bookings, More vouchers!
More bookings, more vouchers! Earn up to IDR 90K eatigo cash vouchers this month! Here's your chance exclusively this month to receive up... read more ❯
Makin banyak booking, makin besar vouchernya! Dapatkan voucher tunai eatigo hingga Rp90.000!
Makin banyak booking, makin besar vouchernya! Dapatkan voucher tunai eatigo hingga Rp90.000 khusus dibulan ini! Inilah kesempatan eksklusif bulan ini untuk mendapatkan voucher... read more ❯

eatigo India

[APRIL] More bookings, more vouchers! Earn up to ₹600 eatigo cash vouchers on this month!
[APRIL] More bookings, more vouchers! Earn up to ₹600 eatigo cash vouchers this month! Here's your chance exclusively this month to receive up to ₹600 eatigo cash vouchers. Just simply attend reservations (min.... read more ❯
[RANGBARSE] More bookings, more vouchers! Earn up to ₹600 eatigo cash vouchers on this Holi month!
[RANGBARSE] More bookings, more vouchers! Earn up to ₹600 eatigo cash vouchers this on Holi month! Here's your chance exclusively this month to receive up to ₹600 eatigo cash vouchers. Just simply attend... read more ❯

eatigo Korea

【FEBFUN】 이티고 한 번만 예약해도 5천원 할인권 증정!
* Promotion and code
프로모션 코드란에【FEBFUN】입력 후 예약하세요! 다음 식사 때 사용할 수 있는 이티고 5천원 할인권을 증정해 드립니다. 오직 2월 한 달동안만 참여 가능한 이티고 5천원 할인권 증정 이벤트! 💸 2021년 2월 1일부터 2월 28일까지 하단 프로모션... read more ❯
[JANFUN] 해피뉴이어 2021
! 이티고 한 번만 예약해도 5천원 할인권 증정!
해피뉴이어 2021! 프로모션 코드란에 [JANFUN] 입력 후 예약하세요! 다음 식사 때 사용할 수 있는 이티고 5천원 할인권을 증정해 드립니다. 오직 1월 한 달동안만 참여 가능한 이티고 5천원 할인권 증정 이벤트! 💸 2021년 1월 1일부터... read more ❯

eatigo Merchant Blog

Merchant Spotlight - Wagyupsal
Merchant Spotlight Wagyupsal
Wagyupsall took some time out to answer a few questions about how eatigo has helped market and gain new customers for their successful restaurant in Manila.   What’s your name and occupation? Mark... read more ❯
6 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Essential for Restaurants
Benefits of Online Marketing-for Your Business
In today’s digital world, restaurateurs have all the more reasons to use digital marketing to grow their businesses. For the most part, your customers are on the internet 24/7, clicking... read more ❯